Together, Reverend Roger Fidler and his wife, Shelby, founded The Peoples Church in 1971 and have faithfully served the church in many capacities, ever since. Reverend Fidler has filled the role of pastor since its inception, and until 2016.
Now he serves as Pastor Emeritus and his wife, Shelby, continues to fulfill multiple duties within the church. This includes aiding in various classes and acting as the church’s secretary/treasurer. This she has done faithfully since the founding of The Peoples Church. Together, their ministry has seen hundreds of souls come to know Christ as Lord and Savior and many of those are now in full-time ministry around the world.
Signs follow those who believe and Pastor Roger and Shelby have been a part of so many miracles, healings, and lives changed, all for the glory of God through their obedience. As one, Pastor Roger and Shelby have demonstrated a heart for people and have proved their calling through their faithfulness and the fruit which they have harvested for almost 50 years.